I’ve been shooting a lot of photos for new websites lately, and in the back and forth with website designers I have come to a realization: Detail Photos are worth WAY MORE than I have ever given them credit.
What is a detail photo? An image of the smaller items or products that make your business what it is. It’s going to include some easily recognizable props that are on target with your brand. Have a look at the following images: you should be able to put together right away what I’m advertising.
Here’s where things get exciting. You can use them:

As an attention grabber for social media posts.
Posts that you make with an image attached are 100% more likely to be engaged with in some way. This makes posts made without images nearly worthless.

As a Banner
Use the negative space (Space without the subject in it) to add text for Facebook covers and advertisements.

As a website background
Detail shots are easy to use as backgrounds because they are nice to look at but not drawing attention from important info.
It’s time to go get some details shots! If you find another creative way to use them, shoot me an email or a message on IG, I’d love to feature your shot!